Vision Statement

This website is set up to be a place where individuals can go for spiritual input and fellowship with like-minded people. It is intended to be a place to find materials that others have found stimulating or encouraging in their times of quiet and devotions, and meant to be a place for considerate discussion about one’s thoughts and feelings, life and lessons — especially in the midst of the fast changing world around us.

Knowing we’re among friends should make for a safe environment to broach topics that you feel may be too sensitive to talk about in another venue. Though not exactly easy to hear, the verse: “If a good man corrects me because he loves me, he is being kind to me; if he shows me that I have done a wrong thing, that is like special oil on my head. I would not refuse it (Psa 141:5 ERV)” may apply.

This online platform intends to provide a way to exchange ideas, experiences, testimonies, prayer requests, appeals, etc, and may occasionally even serve to jump-start fellowship and collaboration on the ground.

And at the end of the day, this site intends to be a place where each minute spent on it is a minute of upliftment and strengthening. This world needs those who will stand up for truth. And together, we can accomplish much more than we can alone. So let us press forward to the final Endgame, knowing that we are not scared, but prepared.

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